MetaDevGirl Channel Re-Branding
These are graphics I designed for content creator MetaDevGirl. I worked as her channel manager and graphic designer. My job was to create content for various platforms and designs to be used in videos and streams. These are the things I created while working with her.
YouTube Intro

To be played at after a short preview before a YouTube video. Logo was NOT designed by me.
Video lower-third

Simple motion graphic used to plug twitch at any point in a video
Stream/Video Transition

This was a transition to used in videos from time to time and also used on twitch her twitch stream to change scenes
Sub Button

This is animation was created to remind get viewers to Subscribe and turn on channel notifications.
YouTube End-card graphic

It was made to be used as an overlay for a clip to be loop in the background.
MetaDevGirl Camo

This Camouflage is a randomly generated pattern that I turned into a texture and brush and made infinitely repeating design. It is used several time in the designs
YouTube Thumbnail

Part of my job was designing thumbnails for the videos I created. Here is one of them:
YouTube Video

As the editor for the channel I took streams and reduced them into 10 min YouTube videos. I was given creative control with small review process and used my own editing style to the make content. We both agreed video direction and style, but it was up to me design a video that captured the concept. Here is a video I created while working for Meta: 
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